May 21, 2008
Frantic would be how I described my last two weeks. I have had very little free time to work on Conduit. Everything seems to have come at once!
I have been playing with barpanel, a very functional GNOME panel replacement.
Grape is certainly an interesting UI/desktop mock up. If I had infinite spare time I migh have a hack on it, as an excuse to play with Clutter.
Props to Jan Bodnar for his excellent Gtk+ and Cairo tutorials.
My (bad) experiences with Ubuntu 8.04 can be best described by the following picture..

Openstreetmap GPS Mapping Widget
Somewhat tangentially related to my PhD, I have been hacking on a simple Openstreetmap GPS mapping/display widget. Basically because after investigating all the existing mapping programs on linux, none of them supported openstreetmap/openaerialmap and were able to be easily embedded.

It's basically a port of tangoGPS (by Marcus Bauer) to libsoup and considerable clean-up. The whole thing is now hidden behind a derived GtkDrawingArea with a nice simple 4 function api (other parameters such as zoom, lat, lon, are accessible as gobject properties)
set_map_center(double lat, double lon, int zoom)
add_gps_point(double lat, double lon)
add_roi(double lat, double lon, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf)
Things like double click, map dragging, scroll to zoom, etc are all handled automatically as you would expect. It caches downloaded tiles and it's pretty much complete at this point. I hope to be able to post code soon.
Apr 1, 2008
I see that Google has extended the SOC application deadline. Here are some Conduit related SOC ideas for GNOME.
Port Tomboy sync to use Conduit (and get free support for $WEBSERVICES)
Use Conduits DBus interface and our C# bindings to said interface to be able to configure and initiate synchronization from Tomboy. This means that peer-to-peer Tomboy sync will get easier (no more ssh fuse), and that support for additional websites/mobile devices will become available.
Port F-Spot photo export to use Conduit
With the exception of mentaloo gallery, we support most/all of what F-spot can export to. I can count a number of times where F-spot has hung/crashed during photo export. Using Conduit to do the sync will help prevent this, and ensure that if something untoward does happen, when you restart the sync duplicate photos will not be uploaded.
Mobile phone support
Integration with gnome-phone-manager for phone discovery and/or pim data Get/Set
Use of python-gammu for fetching PIM data, and photos from those devices that do not support obex-ftp
Gstreamer based media transcoding
We currently call FFMPEG or mencoder via command line to convert/scale video and audio files. I would like to use gstreamer. A possible solution to this would be to create a gstremer transcoding utility (GUI and command line), or the use of the python gstreamer bindings from within Conduit. While I prefer the latter, the former would be a useful addition to the GNOME desktop.
Port cheese to use Conduit for photo and video site upload
This would be based upon out glib dbus bindings.
More GNOME plugins using out DBus interface
(finish) Eog plugin for photo site upload
Add video upload to Youtube and Vimeo from Totem
Better nautilus integration. Removable volume support has improved in Conduit. It would be good to expose this from nautilus, although I am not sure the role this would take, for example
Support windows mobile devices. We have preliminary support for SyncCE, but this was never completed. There are capable python bindings to SyncCE, so it would take a hacker with a WM5/WM6 device to finish this.
Support palm pilots. Once again, not something I can work on as I do not have a device. There are some python bindings for getting data from Palm devices, and there is also the possibility of wrapping the GNOME pilot code to enable it to be used from Python.
Mar 29, 2008
Last week (or so..) I released Conduit 0.3.9, the notable features of this release were the addition of documentation, and dramatically improved support for removable devices, like USB keys and portable hard drives.

Conduit has always supported removable disks, but the UI for working with them has been dramatically improved. In the screenshot below you will see Conduit automatically suggesting pre-configured dataproviders to sync with folders on the removable device. The use case for this is
Joe synchronizes stuff from one PC to his USB key.
When Joe plugs that USB key into another computer also running Conduit he is presented with a pre-configured method to synchronize information from the usb key to a location on his local machine.

The functionality is not all that different to before (it shares all the same code as the traditional folder <--> folder sync, meaning you get conflict detection etc) but the way it is now presented is more sensible and discoverable.
In the screenshot you will also see the first commit of mobile phone support in Conduit. Phone discovery is done using bluetooth. Picture sync is implemented atop gnomevfs-obex-ftp. Data is currently fetched from the phone using gammu, but discussion are underway on how this might tie into gnome-phone-manager (which uses gnokii).
This work is (mildly) separate, but necessary for a sensible SyncML (using libsyncml) implementation. In order to provide smart suggestions on what sync options to offer for a particular phone, phones in range (via bluetooth or USB connection) should be enumerated and their capabilities queried. Currently I am using bluez for the former, and gammu for the latter, however, at least in the bluetooth case, the latter could probbably be accomplished using pure AT commands over a serial socket to get the manufacturer and model number and them comparing this with a database of capabilities.
If its not clear, this is still in the experimental stage, but the current approach seems to demonstrate that Conduits architecture, and the approach to implementation are approximately correct.
There have also been a few other fixes go into SVN, including
Finally I will finish with a dear lazyweb.....
Dear Lazyweb; The current implementation of network sync doesnt really scale to pushing large files around. Its using the python pickle module, which has a tendency to read everything into memory, base64 encode it, run out of memory, and then explode. I have considered may ways to solve this
Use sftp - but that requires the user setup a ssh keypair with the other computer. Seahorse, can you give me a dbus interface to make this happen, easily?
Re-implement (because the license is CPL), some of the ingenious performance optimizations in conary WRT decreasing XMLRPC memory usage.
Wait for the GNOME desktop to offer some sort of GiveFileToThisUser() dbus api call. Could perhaps be implemented atop Giver/Telepathy (if... it gets accepted to the desktop....)
_Custom python module written in C to do this.... _
Continue doing what I am doing, and wait for people to complain louder....
Mar 28, 2008
I recently came across the post; why student programmers rant about business students with ideas. Putting my ideological belief in FOSS aside, I think it eloquently describes why I chose to return and pursue a PhD after a year spent studying engineering management (like an MBA - for those North American folks).
I also think it is highly applicable to FOSS. Many successful FOSS projects are born from engineers, the 'decision to execute' has already been made. As the article mentions, 'leadership and the ability to make decisions _is _valuable, but only in groups with realizable ability to execute'. As a FOSS project evolves, the (normal?) combination of a BFDL and the constant freedom to fork keep the project relatively free of the ownership style disputes described in the post.
In reading the post and its comments, its also refreshing to see a discussion on the internet so free of rudeness.
[1] The terms engineer and programmer can be used interchangeably, in this context. They are both highly skilled, creative professions, commonly only recognized as such by their respective peers.
[2] Im obviously not so naive as to rule out the influence of money on all of this. I just consider it a baseline, and a gross generalization, that monetary incentives are less important to creative professions than to those who pursue an MBA.
Mar 13, 2008
Work on Conduit is progressing nicely, squashing bugs that have appeared when interacting with the new versions of GNOME applications. I have kind of been tracking the GNOME release schedule (congratulations on the latest release BTW), so I expect to put out another Conduit release this week.
I intend to keep making stable bug fix releases until there are Python GIO bindings. At that time it would probably make sense to branch so that I can begin targeting 2.24, and have the opportunity to land some more invasive changes.
The current bugs that are being hacked on (i.e. have patches), depending on how the implementation turns out, may appear in $NEXT_STABLE_RELEASE, or in $FUTURE_RELEASE.
Summer of Code Projects
I create this page on the GNOME wiki which includes some summer of code ideas for Conduit (and by extension, synchronization in the GNOME desktop).
I am eligible, and will be applying to participate in summer of code this year.
I wont be offended if people apply to do the same tasks that I am going to be proposing. The more the merrier!
Im not sure how the whole mentoring regulations work. Can I mentor and be a student?, are there mentors in the GNOME community who would like to champion Conduit integration in their application?
Feb 22, 2008

Multiple site photo upload
PIM sync to your desktop (including over the air sync using our network sync support)
File/Folder sync to your desktop and to online services such as
The same codebase as Conduit for the desktop
The awesome work of Thomas Van Machelen
Did I say shiny?
Feb 18, 2008
Following the tradition of the last Conduit release, I realized that I shipped Conduit 0.3.7 with a stupid build issue that broke all the Gmail/Google/Picasa support for people. Following in that tradition here is Conduit 0.3.8 which fixes that, and also features updated icons contributed by mejogid.

For more information:
Conduit developer John Carr has also setup a Ubuntu PPA for Conduit. Check it out if you are interested in running the Latest and Greatest for Ubuntu Gutsy and Hardy.
Feb 14, 2008
I just released Conduit 0.3.7. This was another regular release which contains the usual array of bug fixes and a few small new features and tidy ups. This was also the first release made automatically using maintainer. Aside from a few quirks, the tool worked amazingly well.
The next release will feature rewritten user documentation, more conflict UI improvements, and fix whatever bugs crop up in testing its compatibility with new GNOME. Highlights of this release are;
Update to use the newer Tomboy Set/GetNoteComplete API. This finally allows lossless sync of Tomboy notes including metadata such as tags and notebooks.
Update to the latest versions of our shipped static libraries
flickrapi (fixes many Flickr bugs)
python-gdata (and use this for Picasa support)
libgmail (make emails work again)
The Eye of gnome plugin for uploading photos to multiple sites now shows status while synchronizing
Add one-way support for syncing Gmail contacts (with evolution, ipod, etc)
Add a 'developer' sub-menu to the help menu if the user is running a development version. This sub-menu contains items which link to the newly improved developer documentation. The linked pages are displayed in conduit's built in web browser.
Make the Conflict preferences per Conduit add descriptive icons to the preferences menu

Update: I completely forgot. Thomas Van Machelen recently added C# bindings for our DBus API to SVN. If any of you enterprising Novell Hack Week hackers wants to play with them, I have some ideas (use Conduit to export photos from FSpot, use Conduit as the sync engine for Tomboy, for both synchronization of notes between two computers and/or export to ipod,, etc). Please email me if you are interested. I know Conduit is ready, there are many examples of the Conduit DBus API in SVN.
Jan 26, 2008
Just a quick note to say that I'm giving a talk on Conduit at 9:20am Tuesday 29th of January at Come along if you are interested. I will be going through some demos showing the many ways you can use Conduit including;
As a multiple site photo uploader
To keep your Tomboy notes in sync
As a file/folder sync tool
Keep your GConf preferences in sync over multiple computers
Keeping two computers in sync over the local network
Sycing with removable devices like Nokia n800 and iPods
As a PIM sync tool supporting a number of online services
I will also be demonstrating how to write your own dataprovider, and hopefully I will have time to discuss more difficult issues such as
Jan 19, 2008
I just committed the first version of a working GObject binding to the Conduit DBus API. You can check out an example test program here.
Contrived Example-like Code
/* The running conduit app/daemon */
ConduitGApplication *application = conduit_g_application_new ();
/* Get two dataproviders, a datasource and datasink */
ConduitGDataprovider *source = conduit_g_application_get_dataprovider(application, "TestSource");
ConduitGDataprovider *sink = conduit_g_application_get_dataprovider(application, "TestSink");
/* Put them in a conduit so we can sync them */
ConduitGConduit *conduit = conduit_g_application_build_conduit(application,source,sink);
g_signal_connect (conduit, "sync-progress", (GCallback) _sync_progress_cb, NULL);
g_signal_connect (conduit, "sync-completed", (GCallback) _sync_completed_cb, NULL);
g_signal_connect (conduit, "sync-conflict", (GCallback) _sync_conflict_cb, NULL);
/* Add it to the GUI so the user can see it (optional) */
ConduitGSyncset *gui_syncset = conduit_g_syncset_new(application, "/syncset/gui");
conduit_g_syncset_add_conduit(gui_syncset, conduit);
/* Perform the sync (boom!) */
g_main_loop_run (mainloop);
A GObject binding to the Conduit DBus API means you can synchronize your application data, from within your application, in very few lines of code;
Your application is not going to crash
Your application is not going to hang or block the UI
The difficult sync logic for interfacing with various other places can be written in Python (faster, more productive, most web-services get python bindings first), live in the Conduit source tree, and immediately be available to all other applications which use Conduit to sync stuff.
Hat-tip to Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen whose Xesam Glib bindings provided a useful starting point, and saved me much autotools pain.
Yes, the names are a bit long.Who has a better idea for the prefix, gcond_ perhaps?
Who wants to help me integrate this into;
GNOME Phone Manager