Feb 20, 2006
Well by virtue of having a working jhbuild install of Gnome 2.13.91 I have volunteered myself to update the nautilus section of the gnome user docs. Well what a Job that is shaping up to be!
I have been rewriting a lot of the docs and taking a heap of (matching) screen shots along the way so when I finish (which will be in a day or two) the new user guide will be rocking!
Feb 18, 2006
Well after a little bit of fluffing around, but an otherwise streamlined build process I got a installation of Gnome 2.13.91 going. Thanks a lot to the following links

The first thing I notice about the new version: fast! Nautilus and startup have become a lot faster. I really like the eog simplification that has gone on, and the fusa stuff seems to work really well. I will go and file a few bugs about the operation of nautilus and the blinging new search feature.
Now I can move onto the next step of my "automated livecd using jhbuild master plan"
Feb 17, 2006
Well I spent most of the afternoon trying to get Gnome 2.13.91 (2.14 Beta 2) to build. The first problem was with libxklavier. The version in jhbuild fails to build, I filed this bug but in the meantime replacing with libxklavier2.1 fixes it.
The only other problem is with epiphany which fails to build. It cannot find iso-codes. I actually think the problem is with iso-codes because running in jhbuild shell, it cannot be found. Maybe iso-codes make install is broken.
Anyway tomorrow I will have a go at building jhbuild in chroot (im trying to get a working GnomeLiveCD from using jhbuild). More on that later
Feb 16, 2006
Well today I spent time trying to package up a jhbuild moduleset for mono. I got a bit distracted and wrote a helper script, when given the mono base url, spiders the download page for tar.gz releases, downloads and md5sums them, and updates the moduleset accordingly. Hopefully this will make it easier to keep the moduleset update because the script should do all the work.
Anyway it was fun to do a bit in python with xml.dom
Feb 15, 2006
So I have been trying to think of a way to change the appearance of all the tango icons in one go. I envision being able to do the following- "Hmm I dont like tango, its a bit blue. What if I replace all the tango blue colours with lighter ones". My understanding is that SVG (or maybe inkscapes's implementation, im not sure) cannot define external stylesheets or palettes for svg files, so if you want to change something in lots of svg files en-masse then you have to grep/sed it.
So my first investigation was to find out how may colours esist in the tango icon theme (remember that the icon palette supplied has just 27 colours)
john@nzjrs-desktop:~/src/tango$ find /home/john/src/tango/tango-icon-theme -name ".svg" -exec egrep -o 'fill:#[a-f0-9]{6,6}' {} \; | sort | uniq | wc -l
john@nzjrs-desktop:~/src/tango$ find /home/john/src/tango/tango-icon-theme -name ".svg" -exec egrep -o '#[a-f0-9]{6,6}' {} \; | sort | uniq | wc -l
Hmm, this is going to be harder than I thought!